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Welcome To St. Mary's
There are so many words that one could use to describe St. Mary’s; a family of believers, a historic church in Hollywood, a house of prayer and devotion, are but a few. But of all of the ways to describe St. Mary’s, one is heard over and over again – “it’s home”. We encourage you to visit St. Mary of the Angels and experience the power of prayerful transcendence in the Solemn Sung Mass, and find peace and joy in our commitment to traditional Choral Music and Hymns.

Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday
Chrism Mass
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday (Meditation)
Good Friday Mass of the Presanctified
Easter Vigil
April 13, Sunday
April 16, Wednesday
April 17, Thursday
April 17, Thursday
April 18, Friday
April 18, Friday
April 19, Saturday
10:00 am
7:00 pm
11:00 am
7:00 pm
12:00 noon
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Easter Sunday
April 20, Sunday 10:00 am
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